Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas in Florida!

A Jacksonville ornament, palm tree 'n' all! I gave this to my Grandparents for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Trivet #1 Trivet #2
Great gift ideas! You could make these by the mass...if you pick a multipliable design ;)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Black Please!

Personalized coffee mugs!

A "personalized" coffee mug for Dan! Merry Christmas!

Tall Earl Grey Soy Misto, No Water, No Foam!

A "personalized" mug for Mom! Merry Christmas!


This was painted mimicking a piece of pottery found in Naples!

For the Grandparents...

A great gift idea for the Grandparents! Each stick figure represents a grandchild! I had most of them sign their name next to their given figure. By most I mean only one was not present to sign his name, and the other was too young to sign her name ;)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas Amy and Ryan!

I tried to choose the colors closest to their wedding colors :) Amy and Ryan will be getting married March 14th, 2009! Congratulations, guys! I love you both :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

An easy gift idea!

Something small, but creative! It's a pin! I painted 3 of these grapes and glued a pin to the backs. This was my Christmas gift to each of the boss's.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pottery in Progress...

Sorry for the lag in postings. I have finally caught up with all the paintings I have done over the past few years! My postings will likely begin to slow down due to the fact that I have paintings in progress. I have a bunch of pottery to paint for Christmas this year, so be on the look out for their postings! It won't be anytime soon for those, though. If I post them now they won't be a surprise for those who are receiving them ;)

A change in topic...I had the privilege of going to the United Tour to see Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W. Smith this past Saturday! What a blessing it was! Thank you to the two lady's I am so honored to work with ;) They not only bought my ticket, and took me out to a seafood dinner, but they joined me in worshipping our God! What a blessing to work with Christian women :D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"An apple a day keeps the doctors away!"

This plate is plain and simple! What do you think of the worm? It would make a great teacher's gift :D

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An oldie, but goodie :)

Can you tell what it's supposed to be? I did this for the studio a long long long time ago!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Rimmed bowl, Step 2 - Painting!

This bowl is a slow process. I'm painting it as a sample for Pottery Works, so I only get to paint on my down time ;) Here's step 2 - the painting!

Friday, October 31, 2008

A canvas and a drawing :)

Just a drawing I did many years ago. I have it framed and hanging in my bedroom :) I love to draw/paint flowers.
I actually got this idea from my living room rug! I thought it would be cool to mimic the rug up on the wall. It didn't turn out exactly like the rug, but pretty close. Same idea anyway ;)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Acrylic painting is fun, but don't get it on your clothes. I know from experience ;)

This is a palm tree painting I did as a Christmas gift. I copied the image, down to the border, from a bathroom rug. and my copying :P
Well, this was my second large canvas painting. It seems the larger the frame the more nervous I get. My original idea was just to paint the blue, green, and white flowers, but I didn't get them quite centered. So, plan B...paint more flowers! I decided to add a punch of color. What do you think? I'm still not sure what I think about it. I kind of like it, but feel like it's just a jumbled mess of mixed matched items. I'm glad my Mom and her husband like it, though ;) Love ya guys :D

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More canvas!

I painted this to match my bedspread :D
This was my first large canvas painting! Boy was I nervous! I have this hanging in my hallway :D

Friday, October 24, 2008

More canvas painting :D

I got this idea from a painting in Starbucks! They have the best artwork! Oh, and on a side note, I did add some of my own touches. I was sure not to copy it exactly, just to avoid any copyright issues. ;) Plus, this one is not for sale. I have it hanging in my house!
This probably looks bigger then what it is. It's actually about a 4X6 piece of canvas! Tiny tiny! At one point I had this nifty idea of copying the tiles from the tables at Chili's. I painted one, then decided it would probably be too difficult. This was the easiest of them all ;) I have it sitting in my window :D

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My first canvas painting!

This is my very first try at a canvas painting. It's done in acrylics! I love using acrylics, because if you make a mistake it's easy to correct ;) This is also my first try at a washed out background. I've done it plenty o' times on pottery, but not on canvas!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rimmed bowl - Step 1

This is step one of a rimmed bowl I'm painting as a sample for PW. In this picture I only have the drawing done, but since it was taken I've started painting it! An updated photo to come soon :D


A HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY PLATE for one special lady ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My unfinished plate set :P

My plate set done in glazes. Unfortunately, I never got around to doing my 4th bowl, and now we're not selling the stoneware bowls anymore :( One of my brown salad plates got chipped as well. I had originally wanted a set of at least 8, but 4 will have to do for now :) Painting your own plate set can get costly if you're not careful.
2 stoneware coffee mugs! The difference between stoneware and regular bisque is that stoneware can be put in the microwave, oven, freezer, and refrigerator. Bisque can not! Well, I do put bisque in the microwave, but that will ware down the quality over time :0 What do you think of the coffee and tea theme? There are little sugar cubes on the tea mug, but they didn't come out dark enough.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Christmas is just around the corner!

I like to paint things in an non-traditional way. Therefore, I painted snowmen on Christmas trees! This was originally a set of 4, but I bought 2 of 'em and gave them away as a Christmas gift :D
A set of 4 star ornaments! I think it'd be fun to paint a complete set of Christmas ornaments! Don't you?
Okay, I was going for very non-traditional! You always see the department stores displaying their Christmas apparel in color themes other then the traditional red and green. So, here is my try at a pastel theme! These snowflakes were also a set of four, but I couldn't locate the other two :\

Friday, October 17, 2008

Last one for the week! - more to come Monday

This is an older picture of this plate. It has changed since it was taken :( As you can see, some of the glaze repelled, notably near each of the stripes. So, we touched it up and re-fired it! Unfortunately, it cracked in the second firing. Poor little thing. Thankfully, it didn't crack all the way through, so we were still able to display it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More pottery of course :D

I painted this as a sample for the studio. The top of the canister was broken in shipping, and the canister itself is chipped. So, I saw this design in one of our ordering catalogs and thought I'd try it! Not bad, eh? It's kinda cool :D
I'd been wanting to paint a plate set for display. So, here it is! Recognize the flower design? ;)
"Two Peas in a Pod." Isn't that the cutest thing?! Again, I didn't think of this myself, but when I saw it, I just had to paint it :D I actually sold this piece to a lady who wanted it for a bridal shower. She was going to have everybody sign the bowl as a gift for the bride and groom. Great idea! I miss it, though :P

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stoneware pie plate! This is one of my favorite pieces. I painted it for my mom as well. She'll soon be able to open a museum to display all of my art ;)
This was one of my more challenging undertakings. It's a toothbrush and soap dish combo! I found this design in a Country/ Old Style American book. I think it was the houses that made me more nervous then anything. I needed to be sure they'd stand out from the background. Did I succeed?
I call him "Retro Santa Claus!" Hehe...a co-worker of mine had actually begun to paint this piece, but never finished. So, I decided to finish it, but with flare! I was going for something non-traditional :D I just realized I didn't paint his eyes! :(

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beware, I still have a lot coming your way. I gotta get caught up ;)

Does this look familiar? It resembles the first bowl I posted does it not? ;) I figured if I found a style and/or technique I'm good at, I better stick with it :D I painted this for my mom! It matches her kitchen.
Ahhh...another gift for my mother! This is a 12 X 12 tile I painted using the wash technique.
Okay, so I like washes :P And I like my mom :D Her favorite color is purple, have you guessed?!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mas Pottery!

First time painting "real" looking flowers! I was so nervous! They came out well, but the white petals didn't come out dark enough. I should have painted them 1-2 more times, but I didn't want to mess them up. Lesson learned :P The background is done in a yellow wash.

Sushi plate with chopsticks! It's important that I tell you, I have the toughest time painting, or drawing for that matter, anything out of my own head. Most of the designs I paint are from random pictures or pieces I've seen around. Therefore, I am careful as to which pieces I will sell and which I won't ;)

Stoneware Pizza Stone! Kinda weird to see fruit on a "Pizza" Stone, huh? I know, but I didn't want to paint a pizza on it :P I wanted something pretty :D This was done in a wash technique as well!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bread platter painted with wheat on it. How apropos!
My task was to make a clock incorporating add-ons (those little hearts). Watch out for the flower design in the middle. It's one of my favorites to paint ;) I painted this set for myself ;) It's hard to see here, but the colors don't quite match up. Notice the flower design!