Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sushi! I love Sushi!

Do I have any sushi lovers out there? There's nothing like a nice, fresh, tender piece of raw tuna! I love it! Anyways, back to the point of this blog... This design is a replica from a sushi plate I took a picture of at a restaurant. The plate shape itself is not the traditional sushi style shape, but the painted design is similar to what you would see in most sushi establishments :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Newest canvas painting continued...

You can still see some of the pencil...I'll have to try and erase it better. If that doesn't work, then a little touch up paint should do the trick!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Newest canvas painting

This is a painting in progress! I'm painting it for my bathroom. I'd like to change the color scheme in my bathroom eventually, and this will go nicely :D Can you guess the color scheme?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tis the season for Valentine's

Even though I believe people should love each other at ALL times, and they shouldn't need a holiday to tell someone they love them, it is the season of Valentine's. =) I took some pictures of "Valentine's Day" pottery I did over the past few years. They're nothing special or extravagant, but cute none the less!